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Merewether Beach

Aug 5

About Merewether Beach

Imagine you are on vacation and at the end of your day, all that's left to do is lay down in between gorgeous beaches with crystal clear water. You can't help but feel content as waves lap against shores below while seagulls fly overhead waiting for their next chance dive-bomber spectacular!

The iconic Merewether Beach is home to one of Australia's most competitive international surfing competitions, Surfest. Partially protected by authorities as a nature reserve that stretches from northern beaches all the way southwards into Burwood with views for miles around you'll be sure not want this beautiful area spoiled!

Merewether Beach is a great place to spend some time when you're in town. The water here is better than any other Ocean Baths, and it's also much more affordable!

Beach Mereweather

What to do in Merewether Beach

As you enjoy a coffee at the beach, watch as locals walk their dogs and juggle caffeine with kids. The scene is perfect for those looking to take it easy from life's chaotic pace while soaking in some relaxation time!

If you are looking to relax in natural surroundings, then Merewether Ocean Baths is the perfect place for it. This large bathhouse complex has been built on a stretch that was once only sand - now there's enough space between each building so visitors can enjoy their time outside without feeling too cramped or enclosed!

Merewether is a haven for water-lovers and surfers alike. The city's National Surfing Reserve provides excellent conditions that will test your skills with waves ranging from gentle to powerful, making this one place you don't want miss!

Mereweather Beach

One local company in Newcastle that is involved in this tourist attraction:

Name: Windscreen Replacement Newcastle Pro

Address: 18 Terence Street, Adamstown Heights, NSW 2289

Telephone: (02) 4072 2379